
Passion, it’s a thing that everyone in this world should have inside of them. Passion gives a person a chance to love something or someone. That is why there is love and marriage and also divorces. This is because passion only stays if you want it to. People can have a passion for almost anything in the world. Without it, people wouldn’t have the chance to like something in this world. This is what passion means to me, and everyone else in this world should know too.

Passion is used a lot with our genius hour projects because these projects show ourselves and everyone else what we have a passion for. When we are making these projects, it shows what you like because everyone wants to make what they like, or have a passion for. For example, I have a passion for football and basketball so I would make a project about one of those two things. Other people make robots or remote cars because maybe they have a passion for those things, or building those things. So passion really ties in with our genius hour projects, showing what we like.

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